I saw this quote and it really stopped me in my tracks, because its a concept I have come to embrace. Through my different experiences and journeys, I have learned that one finds happiness only by traveling "their own road." At different points in my life, I have sought advice from family, friends, aquaintances, and colleagues. There were also many times that advice came unsolicited. In either event and whether I took the advice or not it was experiencing emotion, making new choices, having fresh experiences and believing in myself and abilities that lead me to the place I am today. I am happy. Very happy! Still, I know there will be turns on my road that may make me waiver. What I can be sure of (based on my past) is that I choose my attitude. It is an old saying that "there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way." I surely believe that is true, but each person must realize that for themself and respect others on their own happiness path.
(picture courtesy of the daily mail online)
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