Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Picture Update!

This is a picture of my newly straight hair.  It might not look too different from normal pics of me, but there is a big difference!  I let my hair air dry today which prior to the keratin complex treatment would have resulted in a frizzy afro unless I used a curling iron and lots of product. TADA!
And next is the Cynthia Vincent for Target Brown Gladiator Sandals!  I got the last pair in my size at Target, and thank gosh I did because they are currently out of stock in many stores and online.  FYI, not all of the collection is carried in stores, some are online only.

So cute and so comfy.  The best part is the wedge is a good four inches (as we all know I don't do flats!)

Last but not least, is a great summer accessory I found online at Bloomingdales.  These timex watches are affordable, and so fun in the vibrant colors.  Totally brings it back to the 80's (but not too much)!

(picture courtesy of Bloomingdales)
Sooooooo, What do you think of the hair?


  1. I think your hair looks fabulous and I am kicking my own butt for not getting those damn cute!!!!

  2. They will probaby come out with more! never fear Mel.

  3. love the wedges!! i went to the Target store closest to my house 1 day after it's release and they had nothing left! i was so bummed. they look so fab on you though!! =)

    p.s.thanks for following me at

    xo, cheryl

  4. your hair looks great, I can relate! I have very curly hair myself:)
    and jealous those shoes look hot!
    I really need them now the search is on ebay here i come!!


Disclaimer, xoxo

All pictures on XOXO, Eliana are sometimes from other blogs, google, flickr, etsy etc..and strictly for the purpose of blogging. I try to give credit on most pics, and if for some reason I have not -sorry!!! Send me a message and I will credit you and link it back to your blog. XOXO