My younger brother, Nicholas Tasca is near completion of his first year at the College of the Holy Cross. Those who know him are familiar with his kindness, wisdom, and wonderful smile. I found this on a blog he wrote for a class this year...Enjoy!
No Need to Sweat the Small Stuff
“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia” Charles M. Schulz
In sophomore year of high school, my health teacher assigned a rather out-of-the-blue exercise that truly challenged my classmates to think on intimate and personal levels. Mr. Hynes asked us to find two quotes that best described what we stand for and to write a supplementary paragraph to explain our reasoning. I never understood the meaning of this assignment until now. Earlier this week, I was stumbling upon some of my previous high school word documents, and in doing so, I accidentally found this reflection. After reading what I had to say, I gave it some thought and soon realized that one of the quotes truly embodies what I believe in and the life that I try to lead.
Charles M. Schulz, the father of the infamous cartoon Charlie Brown, once said “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” Although this quote is seemingly self-explanatory yet clever, I believe that its endearing charm is rooted not only in its simple message, but in its lighthearted nature as well. In my opinion, Schulz’s statement is certainly two-fold: he advises people to refrain from getting bogged down with the things that have little importance or meaning in life and he suggests that tomorrow represents a brand new day, one that can start a fresh new perspective.
If you knew me, you would know that I’m an extremely busy person and that I have very little time for myself. Nevertheless, if you really knew me (like my best friends from home) you would know to mock me for my continual complaints of being tired. Ever since middle school and all throughout high school, I was involved with anything that I could pile on my plate, sometimes too much for my own appetite; whether it was academic societies, athletic teams, student-led clubs, or spiritual ministries, I was always on the go. My time at Holy Cross is no different, however I wouldn’t want it any other way. With that being said, there are many moments in which I feel that the world is crashing down on me, moments in which I feel like the world is going to come to an end. However when the going gets tough, I remember the wise words of Mr. Schulz; he gives me a much needed sigh of relief as well as a non-caffeinated energy boost.
While the quote helps me get through the day, I especially love its carefree yet witty nature. Whenever I feel like I’m going to collapse, I remember that tomorrow is only a couple of hours away and that it will come with seven hours of much needed sleep. I also keep in mind that life is going on in Australia. Whatever needs to get done today, can always be pushed off to tomorrow. Instead of stressing about deadlines, I’ve learned to laugh it off; by looking on the bright side, I’m able to maintain a positive attitude and confidence knowing that I can accomplish my goals. So why sweat the small stuff, there’s no need to.
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