Friday, January 28, 2011

Pay it Forward

I was in the snowy land which formerly resembled Fall River.  Starting the Volvo up to head back to "368."  As I was reversing out of my parking spot, a man in a full suit and long black jacket knocked on my window.  It was odd, but I rolled down my window to see why he knocked.  I was a little nervous (this was weird!).

The long black coat man proceeded to tell me his car got towed, and no one would help him get money for a taxi.  He showed me his wallet for evidence that he was sans cash.  He complained that people in "the riv" were jerks, and asked if I could help him out.

Coincidentally, I have been running low on cash flow myself due to the tremendous cost of moving and had my last ten dollar bill till payday.  Still, I figured whether this man was lying or telling me the truth he needed that ten more than I did so I gave it to him and also pointed him in the direction of an ATM.  He was endlessly thankful as I drove away.

Pulling onto the highway, I realized how fortunate I was to never have been in a situation like that.  I also thought about a man who stood everyday at a stoplight I often passed through.  He held a sign that said, "If you have no money to give.  Please smile."  I always did smile even if I had no change to offer, but I will admit it was awkward.  It gets you to thinking that maybe some people really need the money to survive, maybe their liars, drug addicts, or have a family at home to feed.  Possibly its just a means of making a living.  Regardless of the reasons,  It just goes to show that people take different paths on this journey of life, and you have to hope by offering a ten dollar bill, a snack, or even just a smile with a silent blessing you're doing the right thing.  Many would disagree with me, and thats ok for them.  For me, I hope its paying it forward.

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